More Pictures and History of Dad,

A. Neal de Gaston, Senior

Pictures from my Senior Year, 1955,
John Marshall High School, Los Angeles

Neal, High School Senior Class picture.

Appointment to the Military Academies,
after I previously declined the Naval Academy.

Dad, 19 years old at Los Angeles County Fair, September 1956

56  9  _  Dad, 19 y, at LA Co Fair 2

Pictures from my college years,
1956-59, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena

1959  Neal  Senior at Cal-Tech, Physics Option redto30pct.

Pictures from my Graduate school years,
1961-65, Brigham Young University,
Provo, Utah

65  5 26  Neal  PhD robes at BYU.


       I matriculated late, applying soon after the birth of David in 1976 on June 12. We sold our home in Orange, California, and moved to El Paso, Texas in August where I then entered medical school somewhat late, especially considering that it was a two-year accelerated program for Ph.D.s Twenty-two months later I graduated, and here is my graduation certificate. During this "back-to-school" interval I had also passed the ECFMG and FLEX (Federal Licensing Examination equivalent to the National Boards taken by American medical students, but all at one sitting rather than having year long pauses between each of a series of exams.

Acta de Examen Profesionel fr Unv Autonoma de Cd Juarez  1978