Pictures from my Graduate shool years, 1961-65 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Here I am as a first year graduate student:

Dad is in his second year of graduate school:

During this 2nd year Dad owned a Triumph TR3 just like this one, but with wire wheels and the body was a dark purple which would have looked just about like this except in bright sunlight). Dad thinks that the chromed wire wheels were prettier and more elegant (though harder to clean). Dad's car also had a black top. Yes, there are side windows ("curtains"), that you put in yourself or stored in the trunk. About 1/2 of the 2-piece window slid on a track for opening. This a 1959 TR3A. Dad's was also a 1959, or maybe 1958. The TR3 was manufactured from 1957 through 1961. The Triumph along with the MG and Austin-Healy is a true classic British sportscar.

Here is Dad as a member of the graduate class officers (He was a class Senator to the full student body, representing the Graduate class):

Finally, Dad graduated, and here he is in his doctoral robes:

And here is the coveted "Sheepskin":
