Preventive Medicine doesn't work, and smart doctors are too expensive!
Ongoing Clinical Trials and Disease Information for most all diseases. A very good site! Learn about TREATMENT OPTIONS for diseases! |
DEFINED: An acute, highly contagious degenerative viral disease of cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals, characterized by fever and the eruption of vesicles around the mouth and hooves. It is usually not fatal. Also called foot-and-mouth disease. |
Pregnancy risk increases after a woman is 35 years old. Abortion increases breast cancer risk by up to 50%! Amniocentesis; Why done (Down's, Tay-Sachs, etc), risks, when to do, etc. (With Translation into Russian) Common Gastrointestinal Problems in Pregnancy Danger Signs, Pre-term Labor, Perinatal Mortality, and Treatment for Pre-term Labor: Embryonic and Fetal Growth and Development; sizes, weights, appearances, and internal development. Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy (With Translation into Russian): |
What day will you die? | The Ways We Americans Are Dying! |