Financial Information

For personal use, investment, and advice

      The unConstitutional BIG "BAILOUT" defeated in the House of Representatives September 29, 2008, and two alternative plans:
                The plan proposed by Alex after careful research.
                The plan proposed by a Money Morning contributer.
                But the BAILOUT and more BAILOUTS were passed and the continuing bad TRENDS through October 2009.

For wisdom (and who wouldn't like to have wisdom?), click on logo:
10 pillars wisdom__label
IS YOUR BANK IN TROUBLE?  Tips of what to look for to see if your bank is in trouble.

Foreign Currency Exchange Rates, courtesy of the University of British Columbia Sauder School
              of Business "PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service".
              Rubles to Dollars & Euros minute by minute with 10-day graphs.

"The Prime Rate", Federal Discount Rate, Fed Funds Rate, and 11th District Cost of Funds with short tutorials on each
              and links to other pertinent explanations of interest rate setting

Interest table & payment calculation formula.

Want a line of credit? Maybe you are or will be interested in home equity loans?
              It is recommended that you expand your window to 1175 pixels wide or more.

Yahoo Finance for up-to-date financial news and to check the stock market

Social Security online

Bureau of Labor Statistics, with employment/unemployment,
              wages, productivity, U.S. Import Price Index, etc.
 Latest Numbers
+1.2% in Sep 2005 Unemployment Rate:
5.0% in Oct 2005 Payroll Employment:
+56,000(p) in Oct 2005 Average Hourly Earnings:
+$0.08(p) in Oct 2005 PPI:
+1.9%(p) in Sep 2005
+0.8% in 3rd Qtr of 2005 Productivity:
+4.1% in 3rd Qtr of 2005 U.S. Import Price Index:
+2.3% in Sep 2005 » p- preliminary
» Click on the History icon for 10 years of historical data.

Buying clothing on line? Here is a complete reference of apparel sizes for men, women, and children.
              Also you will find a table on how to take your measurements!

Double-entry Book-keeping, full definition along with tutorial examples and links.

Identity Theft  Arizona leads all the other states, and Phoenix all the other major metropolitan areas
               in per capita identity theft.   Here is a page on how to minimize your chances of identity theft,
               and what to do thanks to the Office of the Attorney General, State of Arizona.

FIDC:  Insurance for you bank deposits via the FDIC, updated March, 2009.

How well are you covered for medical exigencies?  Half of personal backruptcies are a result of medical bills.

St. George slays the dragon...Moscow City emblem and patron saint
Moscow fairyland art red60pct

Great tune, but does anybody know the name?

Comps for 3543 W. Sierra