Dad graduated in Physics, Was a Member of Dabney House

50th Year Anniversary and Reunion, Class of 1959
The California Institute of Technology
May 14-16, 2009

Cal-Tech Motto: "The truth shall make you free"

CLICK HERE for a history of Cal-Tech from its founding, and many
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(Put cursor on pictures to see captions!)

Dad in 1959
      1959  Neal  Senior at Cal-Tech, Physics Option redto30pct CRPD        

Dabney Classmates of '59 at the 50th Anniversary Reunion
(Collages courtesy of Terry Teigan and E-mailed just before the Reunion)

09  5 14  Classmates of '59, Cal-Tech, Dabney, fr Terry, Collage 1 1094x1482  09  5 14  Classmates of '59, Cal-Tech, Dabney, fr Terry, Collage 2 1094x1482

Dabney House and Olive Walk, Thursday May 14, 2009

09  5 14  Dabney House  1 RED30PCT  P5140162

09  5 14  Dabney House  2 RED30PCT  P5140163

09  5 14  Dabney House  3 RED30PCT  P5140164

09  5 14  Dabney House  4 RED30PCT  P5140165

09  5 14  Dabney House  5 RED30PCT  P5140166

09  5 14  Dabney House  6  Hibiscus RED30PCT  P5140167

09  5 14  Dabney House  7 RED30PCT  P5140168

09  5 14  Dabney House  8 RED30PCT  P5140169.JPG

09  5 14  Dabney House  9 RED30PCT  P5140170

09  5 14  Flying above Dabney, sign, 'I AM THE LAW!' 2  RED30PCT   P5140158.JPG

09  5 14  Dzina visits on the Cal-Tech campus before the Student Center RED40PCT  P5140161.JPG

09  5 14  Flying above Dabney, sign, 'I AM THE LAW!' 1 RED30PCT   P5140157.JPG

09  5 14  Fr Student Center looking toward library w student houses to L RED30PCT  P5140155.JPG

09  5 14  Looking E along walk N of traditional Student Houses towards Athenaeum RED 3OPCT   P5140159.JPG

09  5 14  Athenaeum, east side looking NNE fr E of Ricketts RED30PCT  P5140174

09  5 14  Athenaeum, Main Entrance, looking NE fr E of RickettsRED30PCT  P5140173

09  5 14  Cal-Tech E campus RED30PCT  P5140156

Dabney Lunch, Thursday May 14
(Pics still to come if on computer at home in Phoenix)

Reception at Institute President's home and Class of '59 Dinner in Athenaeum, Thursday, May 14

09  5 14  President's Reception on his lawn for Class of '59, Pic of unknown frosh w Lee DuBridge 1094x820  P5140175

09  5 14  President's Recp  view fr gate of President's home 1094x820  P5140176

09  5 14  President's Reception, Joanne Woodward Bass fr TSKing, Marshall w husband Jack Bass, John Lango, 2yr only RED30PCT  P5140177.JPG 09  5 14  Dinner, Class of 59, Dennis Kuli, Terry Teigen 1094x820  P5140179

09  5 14  Dinner, Class 59, Don Owings, Jack Bass 820x1094  P5140180

09  5 14  Dinner, Class 59  Don Owings 1094x820  P5140178

Alumni House, "Half-Century Club" Induction, and Luncheon
Friday May 15

09  5 15  Neal standing on the steps of the Alumni House w label above, Cal-Tech 1094x820  P5150189

09  5 15 15_39  Dad on Alumni House porch, John Lange of Fresh Class also 1094x820  P5150186

09  5 15  Neal standing on porch proper w John Lango seated, & 'Welcome Back' sign, Alumni House 1094x820  P5150187

09  5 15  Dad on Alumni House porch with John Lang of Freshman Class 1094x820  P5150188

09  5 15  Dad in front of Cal-Tch Alumni House, Hill, Pasadena BALLOONS 1094x820  P5150191

09  5 15  Dad in front of Cal-Tch Alumni House, Hill, Pasadena BALLOONS 1094x820  P5150192

09  5 15  Dad in front of Cal-Tch Alumni House, Hill, Pasadena BALLOONS 1094x820  P5150193

09  5 15  Dad on Alumni House front lawn, Balloons 1094x820 Lightened  P5150190

09  5 15  Half Cent Induc-Lun, Dick Johnson, Jack Bass, Lewis Linson, Dennis Kuli, DAD, Terry Teigen 1094x820  P5150185

09  5 15  Half Cent Induc-Lun, Dick Johnson, Jack Bass, Lewis Linson, Dennis Kuli, DAD, Terry Teigen 1094x820  P5150184

09  5 15  Half Century Induc-Lunch  Mel Cheslow, Dave Luenberger, DAD, Bob Lebovitz 1094x820  P5150182

09  5 15  Half Century Induc-Lunch, Mel Cheslow, Dave Luenberger, DAD, Bob Lebovitz 1094x820  P5150181

09  5 15  Half Century Induc-Lunch, Mel Cheslow, Dave Luenberger, DAD, Bob Lebovitz 1094x820  P5150183.JPG

Alumni-hosted Buffet Supper at Alumni House, Friday, May 15, 2009
(Pics still to come if on computer at home in Phoenix)

Seminar Day, Campus Views and Luncheon, Saturday May 16

09  5 16  View of W Campus fr across Wilson, Cal Inst Tech sign 1094x820  P5160199 09  5 16  View of W Campus fr across Wilson, Braun Labs  1094x820  P5160200

09  5 16  Campus looking NE-E fr near side of Wilson, modern buildings 1094x820  P5160198

09  5 16  Beckman, Bridge, etc, & Library bldg w two red roses before RED30PCT  P5160197

09  5 16  Library-Throop fr W wi Gates to L & Bridge to R, jacaranda trees' early bloom 1094x820  P5160194

09  5 16  Library-Throop fr W wi Gates to L & Bridge to R, jacaranda trees' early bloom 1094x820  P5160195

09  5 16  Gracious arched walkway of Beckman looking E, from a better day for architecture and devotion to beauty 1094x820  P5160196

09  5 16  Arnold & Mabel Beckman Lab RED30PCT  P5160202

09  5 16  Arnold & Mabel Beckman Laboratory of Chemical Synthesis RED30PCT  P5160201

09  5 16  Construction on West campus 1094x820  P5160203

09  5 16  Turtles on rock & lily pad, Cal-Tech RED30PCT  P5160205.jpg

09  5 16  Cal-Tech N side where Alumni ate, Beckman & BQQQ lecture halls behind RED30PCT  P5160204

09  5 16  Beckman, Bridge, etc, & Library bldg w two red roses before RED30PCT  P5160197

09  5 16  Bill & Cami Melbourne at Cal-Tech, Seminar Day 1094x820  P5160206

09  5 16  Thespians parading on Alumni Day w Beckman Auditorium in bgrnd RED30PCT Lightened   P5160209

09  5 16  Lunch, parade of Caltech Drama Club 1094x820  P5160207

'Til we meet again, Thumbs Up!

09  5 16  Neal w 'Beaver' mascot at Cal-Tech W1094  P5160210

"Unchained Melody"